

Apart from the pleasure of going on stage with our customers, we consider that winning awards for them is also a duty.

Because when they come regularly, the awards that are received are symptomatic of the degree of differentiation

 that an agency puts into its projects.

If you invest in a campaign, isn’t it because you want it to be really different?

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A masterly campaign

> Award for Environment Campaign (Silver)

Andar – Giving with a smile

> Award for Institutional Campaign (Bronze)

Sanofi – #MaPeauEstUnEnfer (#MySkinIsLikeHell)

> Visual Creative Award (Bronze)

Viatris – A world of possibilities

> Award for Medical Product Communication (Gold)

Therabel – The irritated doctor

> Award for Medical Product Communication (Silver)



Takeda – Meeting in 15 years

> Medical Education Award (Gold)

Janssen – My battles

> Medical Education Award (Silver)

Etincelle – The crab

> Award for Institutional Campaign (Gold)


Novonordisk – Stupidities

> Creative Film Award (Gold)


Etincelle – Other weapons against cancer

> Award for Institutional / Corporate Campaign (Silver)

Gédéon Richter – The innocents

> Award for Private Organization General Public Campaign (Bronze)

Roche – The experts

> Award for Public Organization General Public Campaign (Silver)

Therabel (Derinox) – The creation of Adam

 > Award for Medical Campaign (Bronze)


Collective to fight against malnutrition – The plane

> Awareness-Raising Award on the Initiative of a Private Organization (Bronze)


Bayer – In the eye of diabetes

> Award for Multi-Channel Campaign (Bronze)

Otsuka Lundbeck – Normal life

> Institutional Award (Bronze)


APLCP and Janssen – Jenemecacheplus
( I don’t hide any more)

> Grand Prize of Grand Prizes

Gilead – L(H)IVING

> Award for Integrated Health Campaign (Silver)


Therabel / Rinox – Mona Lisa

> Grand Public Ethics Prize

> Prescription Medication Award (Gold)

Bayer – AMD and me

> Award for Integrated Health Campaign (Silver)


Mundipharma – Greeting cards

> Institutional award (Gold)

Galderma – PSO scratch

> Prescription Medication Award (Gold) 

Bayer – FAattention

> Award for Integrated Health Campaign (Bronze)

Biogen – SEP is moving

> Pride Award (Bronze)


Janssen and AIDS Info Service – The Gesture

> Audacity Award (Silver)

> Aware Patient Award (Bronze)


APLCP and Janssen – Jenemecacheplus ( I don’t hide any more)

> Grand Prize of Empreintes
> Aware Patient Award (Gold)
> Audacity Award (Silver)
fmad merck onlesecharpe pt
fmad etincelle dautresarmes pt
anepf la bouche pleine recompense
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jenemecacheplus recompense

Deauville Health Communication Festival


Sanofi – Every new case is one case too many

> Award for Communication for an Association of Patients/Carers (Silver)

Viatris – A world of possibilities

> Award for Medical Communication for Healthcare Professionals (Jury’s Favorite Award)

FMad – Our duty

> Award for Institutional Communication (Silver)


Sanofi – My skin is like hell

> Award for Communication to the Benefit of an Association of Patients and Carers created by a Company or Health Organization (Bronze)

Merck – ENT cancers, we give them hell

> Award for the Communication of Public Health Awareness-Raising & Prevention of a company or Private Organization
(Jury’s Favorite Award)

Janssen – My battles

> Award for Medical Communication to Healthcare Professionals (Bronze)


Etincelle – The day after

> Award for Communication to Patients and Carers (Silver)

Tulipe – The butterfly effect

> Award for Communication to Patients and Carers (Bronze)

ANEPF – Prevention is better

> Award for the Communication about Projects of General Interest of an Association or Organization (Silver)

FMad – Kick out the virus

> Award for the Communication of Public Health Awareness-Raising of a Private Organization (Silver)


FMad – Kick out the virus

> Award for the Communication of Public Health Awareness-Raising of a Private Organization (Silver)


Eisai – They made History

> Jury’s Favorite Award


Etincelle – Other weapons against cancer

> Award for Association Communication (Gold)

Roche-Chugai – The experts

> Public Health Awareness-Raising Communication of a Private Organization (Gold)

Collective to fight against malnutrition

> Public Health Awareness-Raising Communication of a Private Organization or Health Facility (Gold)

AstraZeneca – The brave ones

> Jury’s Favorite Award


AstraZeneca – The brave ones

> Award for Event Communication (Gold)

Otsuka Lundbeck – Normal life

> Medical Communication Award (Jury’s Favorite Award)


Gilead – L(H)IVING

> Award for Public Health Prevention & Awareness-Raising Communication (Silver)

> FNIM Award (Bronze)

> Award for Students


Bayer and Retina France – AMD and me

 > Award for Communication for an Association (Silver) 


Bayer – One danger can hide another one

 > Public Health Communication Award (Silver)


APLCP and Janssen – Jenemecacheplus ( I don’t hide any more)

> Grand Jury General Public Prize

sanofi bronchiolite recompense

Les caducées


Viatris – A world of possibilities

> Award for Communication to Healthcare Professionals

Sanofi – Dangers

> Jury’s Favorite Award


Etincelle – The crab

> Civic Action Award for an Initiative Related to Prevention

Tulipe – The butterfly effect

> Civic Action Award, Prevention / Awareness-Raising Initiative


FMad – Kick out the virus

> Award for CSR Process or Civic Action


Collective to fight against malnutrition – The plane

> Jury’s Favorite Award

Etincelle – Other weapons against cancer

> Patient Association Award

Grimberg – The VTC

> OTC Award

prix strategies

Stratégies Grand Prize of health communication


Sanofi – #MaPeauEstUnEnfer (MySkinIsLikeHell)

> Digital Communication Award (Gold)

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RComSanté (les ROCS)


FMad – In health, creativity is a duty to patients

> Special Health Prescription Award


Etincelle – The crab

> Special Health Prescription Award


Novo Nordisk – A major challenge

> Award for External Communication

FMad – Kick out the virus

> Jury’s Favorite Award

etincelle le crabe recompense

Grand Prize for Solidarity-Based Communication


Etincelle – The crab

> Award for Solidarity-Based Communication

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Global Awards


Bayer – I don’t think about it any more

 > Environment Campaign (Honorable Mention)


APLCP and Janssen – Jenemecacheplus

( I don’t hide any more)

> Online Advertisement


New York Festivals


Keljob – The Milkman

>  TV Advertising Category
